Thursday, September 13, 2007

week 6: becca—Barcodes?

With the release of the iPhone, it is becoming easier and easier to access information, especailly on-the-go. If only there were a way to visually link what we are seeing to the information accessible. For example, let's say you visit the Brooklyn Bridge and want to know how long it is , is there a way to visually link you to this information?

Well actually there is. Barcodes, yes, barcodes. A coding technology has been developed that turns a URL address into a barcode, or in the case above a "Semacode". So, if you were to take a photo of the barcode with your camera phone, it would be able to decode it and link you to that website. There are a lot more possibilities for this technology and I'm sure they are just beginning to be tapped.

Oh and the Brooklyn Bridge is 5,989 feet long, just in case
you were curious.

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